Cosmi’s 50th anniversary

Parma, 22nd of April 2023

On the 22nd of April we’ve had the pleasure to celebrate Cosmi‘s anniversary with the members of the company at the Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, in Parma.
For the event, we have brought our hybrid car to be shown among the guests and as a thanks to our partner.
For the special day, Cosmi organised a visit to the museum, followed by an aperitif in the park and a wonderful lunch in a limonaia, an Italian lemon house.
Our members also had the opportunity to see some Ferraris up close and to take a ride on them, discovering new corners of this charming location.
We would like to congratulate Cosmi for its fantastic achievement in the business all over these years.
We would also like to thank them for the support they have given us through the years and for the kind invitation to the event.